
巧克力閃電泡芙 Chocolate Eclair 01/26/2021


班尼迪克蛋,荷蘭醬,北極貝,海鮮蝦堡 Eggs Benedict with Arctic Surf Clams & Shrimp Seafood Sandwich 01/26/2021


麻醬雪花牛Beef Sesame Sauce 01/25/2021


甜鍋餅Chinese Big Sweet Pan Cake 01/25/2021



土耳其餅 Turkish Flat Bread 01/23/2021

May be an image of text that says 'Turkish Flat Bread 01/23/2021'

優格Yoghurt 1/25/2021

May be an image of dessert and fruit

油潑辣子杏包菇豆腐Chili Oil with King Trumpet Mushroom & Tofu 01/21/2021

No photo description available.

蒜味印度烤餅 Garlic Naan Bread 01/22/2021

No photo description available.

脆皮鬆餅Crispy Waffles 01/14/2021

 May be an image of dessert and text that says 'Crispy Waffles Judy Jen 01/14/2021'

芝麻葉土耳其餅Turkish Flat Bread with Wild Arugula 01/14/2021


土耳其餅 Turkish Flat Bread 0/13/2021


沙茶麵疙瘩 Chinese Style Gnocchi with BBQ Sauce 01/10/2021